Week 4 Workout #10

Hi Everyone!

I hope your Monday is going well. Yesterday after church I did my second workout for the Fourth week of the current 5 week program I am doing. It calls for you to redo workouts from the previous weeks. I did workouts #2 and 5. I was fairly draggy, but didn’t let that keep me from working out. It is amazing after a workout how much better I feel, and it did help me power through the rest of my day. The order of my workout yesterday was workout #2, workout #5, and then workout #2. Later this week or maybe next week I may try to throw in some sort of cardio. My foot has been handling the workouts alright and I don’t seem to have issues the following day with it. Now, this could happening because a lot of the exercises that call for me to use it I haven’t been doing like high knees, jumping jacks. Instead, I have been doing overhead presses and so forth. I was given a machine by my Dad and I might start using it.

The long term goal is for me to start running outside, but it is about taking small steps. I will probably get outside and walk before I even start running. I have tried to rush this process before and I will not make that mistake again. Right now I am more focused on creating a nice foundation, and then the running will come. However, to be honest lately it seems like I have been thinking about results, and I guess that is because I am not as far along as I’d like to be. My Grandmother and Aunt came over Saturday and they both bragged on how looked better than the last time they saw me, and that helped a ton. Plus, I reminded myself that it hasn’t even been 4 full weeks, so I needed to be easy on myself.

After my workout I stretched and used my tennis ball to workout some places that were tight. Here is the workout.

Workout #2- (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-2.html)
Repeat 1-3X

1. Lunge Curl (alternate legs)
2. Plank Lift
3. Side Plank Hip Drop (right)
4. Side Plank Hip Drop (left)
5. Heel Tap Abs or Leg Lift Abs
6. Hip Press
7. Leg Series (right)
8. Leg Series (left)
9. Sumo Pushups
10. Bicycle Abs

Workout #5- (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-5.html)
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps

*Repeat 1-3X

1. Alternating Lunge Lift
2. Tricep Leg Lift
3. Extended Situp
4. Mount Climber/High Knees (30 seconds each, 10 second rest in between)
5. Squatting Side Kick
6. Tricep Pushup (right)
7. Tricep Pushup (left)
8. Bicycle
9. Mountain Climber/High Knees
10. Warrior Row (right)
11. Warrior Row (left)
12. Leg Lift Abs
13. Mountain Climber/High Knees

Have a great day!
Blessings Mates!

Week 4 Workout# 9

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday I started week 4 of the 5 Week Body Transformation series I’ve been doing. I first did a Fit Test to check-in on my progress, and I am going in the right direction. I still have a ways to go upper-body strength wise but my endurance has decently improved. I am planning on posting my results but I am a little short on time this morning.

As I said, I did the Fit Test, but did each exercise one after the other. I probably should have taken a little time between each exercise to get more maximum results but I didn’t do that the first time I did it and I want to be consistent. I was able to do every exercise as it is on the video except the Bent Arm Hang, which was able to find a way to modify.

Fit Test- (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fit-test-2013.html)

All Levels: Max reps for each exercise in 60 seconds. Write down/keep track of your results. Repeat this workout in 2-4 weeks to see if you have progressed. 
1. Bent Arm Hang (go for max time, keeping your chin above the bar. Try not to let your body swing)
2. High Knees
3. Pushups
4. Jumping Jacks
5. Situps
6. Mountain Climbers
7. Plank (hold for as long as you can and keep track of your time)

Week 4 calls for you to redo previous workouts and I did workouts 6 and 1. I did each routine one time.

Workout# 6- (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/02/fitness-transformation-workout-6.html)
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps
1. Plank to Lunge Reach
2.Russian Twist
3. Mountain Climber Pushup
4. Lunge Kick (right)
5. Lunge Kick (left)
6. High Knees
7. Alicia’s Sumo Squat Kick
8. Side Frogger
9. Hip Thrust
10. Reverse Bicycle

Workout# 1- (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-1.html)
Beginner: 10 reps, repeat 1-2X
Intermediate: 15 reps, Repeat 1-3X
Advanced: 20 reps, Repeat 1-3X
1. High Knees (60 seconds)
2. Side Plank (right) (60 seconds)
3. Side Plank (left) (60 seconds)
4. Jumping Jacks
5. Bicycle
6. Walking Pushups
7. Sumo Squat
8. Mountain Climber
9. Temple Tap Abs
10. Plank (60 seconds)

Make sure you stretch and cool down afterwards.

Alright I hope everyone has a great Saturday!
Blessings Mates!

Week 3 Workout #8

Hi Everyone!

Over the weekend I fought hard against not going to eat any sort of fast food, and despite how badly I wanted a cheat meal I didn’t give in. Well, yesterday at work we had breakfast and lunch catered, so I was able to finally have a feast day. Now some will say this is a bad thing, but to be honest it felt so right!!!

First, I knew after lunch I would have the rest of the day to burn what I ate. Second, I knew I would eat less for dinner. Third, I knew I could work out when I got home. I am by no means saying I burned off everything I ate, but I know that the fact I ate as much as I did helped motivate me to workout. I did 3 rounds of last night’s routine. I am a little sore today, but it was worth it. It is great when you are through with a workout and you have to stay on the mat in your own sweat! To know you put maximum effort into a workout is empowering, and I know that the results I want are getting closer. Plus, it helped me sleep hard last night. I have noticed the last week or so that I am sleeping much more soundly at night, and I believe most if not all of that is attributed to my workouts.

Last night’s workout was the last one for week 3 and it is a wonderful feeling to know I am 3/5 of the way through with the Body Transformation series I am doing. I think the next two days will be rest days and I’ll start week 4 on Friday. I am thinking I will redo the Fit Test I did at the beginning of this program, and I am looking forward to my progress.

Here is the workout and link – (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/02/fitness-transformation-workout-6.html)
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps

1. Plank to Lunge Reach

2.Russian Twist
3. Mountain Climber Pushup
4. Lunge Kick (right)
5. Lunge Kick (left)
6. High Knees
7. Alicia’s Sumo Squat Kick
8. Side Frogger
9. Hip Thrust
10. Reverse Bicycle

I hope everyone is having a grand week thus far and hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Week 3 Workout #7

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday I did the second workout of week 3. I was going to do it right after I got home from church, but I had to get some MarioKart on the Wii in first. I am pretty awesome at the game!

This workout is more along the lines of the workouts I did the first two weeks. Sadly my left foot injury flared up again. I was able to do Mountain Climbers without any issues, but the High Knees were too much. I guess since more body weight is on my feet when doing High Knees compared to Mountian Climbers is why that exercise bothered me. I only did the routine two times, and overall I feel good today. The foot is still tight but I can walk on it. I am going to use a tennis ball to roll it out and massage it off and on today.

It stinks that the foot injury flared up again, but that all falls on me. However, compared to the past I will handle this situation differently. I am not going to get down on myself or take extra days off to let it heal. Simply I will look at the situation and see what I should have done differently. Moving forward I will use what I learned. I may not be taking days off, but I will be smart by not repeating exercises that could cause my foot to get extra tight again. It is all a learning process. I have goals I still want to achieve, and cannot let one minor thing get in my way. I’ve done that in the past, but will not do it this time.

Today is a rest day, and I may take another tomorrow. Every week I get one set of back to back days off.

Here is the workout from yesterday – (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-5.html)

Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps

*Repeat 1-3X

1. Alternating Lunge Lift
2. Tricep Leg Lift
3. Extended Situp
4. Mount Climber/High Knees (30 seconds each, 10 second rest in between)
5. Squatting Side Kick
6. Tricep Pushup (right)
7. Tricep Pushup (left)
8. Bicycle
9. Mountain Climber/High Knees
10. Warrior Row (right)
11. Warrior Row (left)
12. Leg Lift Abs
13. Mountain Climber/High Knees

Enjoy the rest of your Monday

Week 3 Workout# 6

Hi Everyone!

Last Friday I started week 3 of the 5 week Body Transformation Series I’ve been doing. Things are going well and I can tell I my fitness level is improving in all areas. This workout was a little more cardio intense, and I did 3 rounds. I did the workout exactly as you will see it below. Normally I have been doing different exercises due to a left foot injury that causes my left foot to get tight. I am happy to say the foot held up.

Here is the workout- (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-4.html)
All Levels: Max reps during each 20 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises

1. Squat Jump
2. Side Plank Lift (right)
3. Side Plank Lift (left)
4. High Knees
5. V-Up
6. Frogger
7. Lunge Kick (right)
8. Lunge Kick (left)

Repeat 1-3X


Week 2 Workout #5

Hi everyone!

Week two of the program I am doing has you repeat exercises from week one. I redid workouts 2 and 3 and did each routine one time. I felt really strong after doing workout 3, but as I have said before I am not pushing myself too hard early on. I have old injuries that I don’t want to flair-up by going too hard too soon. It is all about me creating a strong foundation, and then I’ll start really pushing myself more and more. The thing I have noticed is I am starting to look forward to my next workout, which is a nice feeling. The other great thing is I am not waking up and being extra sore or having old injuries causing issues.

A quick recap incase you haven’t kept up with my blog for long or you just came acorss it. I had a running injury occur back in 2009, and I never addressed it. Last summer I started having major pain in my back, hips, and butt, which was casuing me to not sleep well. I was in pain 24/7. I started going to a chiropractor and slowly I have recovered. Also, I got a new mattress, which took some time for me to adjust to. I stopped working out but recently started up again.

Here is the workout I did yesterday.

Workout#2- http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-2.html
Repeat 1-3X

1. Lunge Curl (alternate legs)

2. Plank Lift
3. Side Plank Hip Drop (right)
4. Side Plank Hip Drop (left)
5. Heel Tap Abs or Leg Lift Abs
6. Hip Press
7. Leg Series (right)
8. Leg Series (left)
9. Sumo Pushups
10. Bicycle Abs

Workout# 3 -http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-3.html
Beginner: 10 reps, 30 seconds timed
Intermediate: 15 reps, 45 seconds timed
Advanced: 20 reps, 60 seconds timed

Repeat 1-3X

1. High Knees (timed)

2. Walk the Plank
3. Superman
4. Leg Lift Abs
5. Reverse Lunge
6. Jumping Jacks
7. Sumo Squat
8. Reverse Plank Side Step
9. Bicycle Abs
10. High Knees

I would love to hear from anyone who may have a question about my journey, or simply to say hello.

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday!

Week 2 Workout #4

Hi everyone!

Yesterday I started the second week of the current Body Transformation program I’ve been doing. It went well and I can tell that my strength and endurance have improved, but I still have a ways to go. I woke up this morning and didn’t have any usual pain, which is a good, good sign. Week Two of the program I am doing calls for one to redo the routines from Week One. Here are the workouts I did. I did one round of each routine.

Beginner: 10 reps, repeat 1-2X
Intermediate: 15 reps, Repeat 1-3X
Advanced: 20 reps, Repeat 1-3X

1. High Knees (60 seconds)

2. Side Plank (right) (60 seconds)
3. Side Plank (left) (60 seconds)
4. Jumping Jacks
5. Bicycle
6. Walking Pushups
7. Sumo Squat
8. Mountain Climber
9. Temple Tap Abs
10. Plank (60 seconds)

Repeat 1-3X

1. Lunge Curl (alternate legs)

2. Plank Lift
3. Side Plank Hip Drop (right)
4. Side Plank Hip Drop (left)
5. Heel Tap Abs or Leg Lift Abs
6. Hip Press
7. Leg Series (right)
8. Leg Series (left)
9. Sumo Pushups
10. Bicycle Abs

Have a great Tuesday!

Workout #3

Hi everyone!

I hope your Saturday morning has started off with a bang. I’ve had some sort of a head-cold for a month and I finally believe it is starting to go away. There have been some rough days over that last month and I haven’t slept all that well at times. I haven’t had two consecutive days of solid sleep, and most of that is because during the week I don’t go to bed early enough. However, it seems like that either Friday or Saturday night I’ll go to sleep and around 3:30 I’ll wake up not being able to fall back to sleep. Last night this happened but I was able to finally go back to sleep and get another 2-3 hours of sleep, so I feel pretty good this morning.

I was going to workout Wednesday, but work was non-stop and for me that means being on my feet all day. I thought about working out when I got home but I decided not to. Moving onto yesterday I got in a solid workout when I got home. My left foot is still bothering me, so I did modify or do some different exercises than what was listed. For example I did Overhead Presses for Jumping Jacks.

Here is the workout #3 (http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-3.html)
Beginner: 10 reps, 30 seconds timed
Intermediate: 15 reps, 45 seconds timed
Advanced: 20 reps, 60 seconds timed

Repeat 1-3X

1. High Knees (timed)
2. Walk the Plank
3. Superman
4. Leg Lift Abs
5. Reverse Lunge
6. Jumping Jacks
7. Sumo Squat
8. Reverse Plank Side Step
9. Bicycle Abs
10. High Knees

After the workout I did stretch and took it easy the rest of the evening!

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!


Workout #2


Hi everyone!

I was tired by the end of the work day, and at first I thought about not working out. I remembered I already put it out on my blog that I would be working out, so I did what I said I would do. I only did the routine two times, and probably could have done it a third since it wasn’t that tough. However, I am taking it a little easy the first couple of weeks, so I stopped after the second round.

Here is Workout# 2
Repeat 1-3X

1. Lunge Curl (alternate legs)

2. Plank Lift
3. Side Plank Hip Drop (right)
4. Side Plank Hip Drop (left)
5. Heel Tap Abs or Leg Lift Abs
6. Hip Press
7. Leg Series (right)
8. Leg Series (left)
9. Sumo Pushups
10. Bicycle Abs
(Link – http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-2.html)

Here are the links to the Fit Test and Workout #1 I did last week.

Fit Test – http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fit-test-2013.html
Workout #1 – http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/fitness-transformation-workout-1.html

Also, I had my monthly chiropractor visit and it by far is the best one I’ve had. I have made a ton of progress over the last month, and even the Chiropractor bragged about how far I’ve come. He actually said he was having a hard time finding anything wrong with me!!!! My range of motion in my back and hips is as good as it has been in years. It took many more months than I thought it would, but the chiropractor was right that it would take about a year for me to start seeing true improvement. My first visit was back in late September or early October.

Have a great day!

Fit Test and Workout #1

Hi everyone!
I get off work early on Fridays, and decided it was time to finally start putting in the work to reach my goals.

The Fit Test confirmed that I am really out of shape, and since I haven’t worked out in months I wasn’t surprised. Still, you always want to do better than what you actually do. The nice thing is I have something to help motivate me and I can do the Fit Test again after week 3 of the program and I can see how far I’ve come. It is all about taking baby steps, and enjoying the journey.

Fit Test
All Levels: Max reps for each exercise in 60 seconds. Write down/keep track of your results. Repeat this workout in 2-4 weeks to see if you have progressed.

1. Bent Arm Hang (go for max time, keeping your chin above the bar. Try not to let your body swing)

2. High Knees
3. Pushups
4. Jumping Jacks
5. Situps
6. Mountain Climbers
7. Plank (hold for as long as you can and keep track of your time)

I followed the Fit Test with Workout #1 of the Body Transformation Series I am doing. I only did it once, since I did the Fit Test. I am really going to ease into the first couple of weeks. Yes, I need to push myself, but I need to get a good foundation first. I always give max effort, but I know my cardio and strength have a certain limit right now. I don’t want to push myself so hard that my form falls apart, because that leads to long lasting injuries. My #1 goal with this program is simply to finish it and make it through the 5 weeks. Everything is secondary after that…I hope that makes sense.

I did do a few modifications. My left foot started to get tight either at the end of last year or earlier this year. It’s been so long it is tough for me to remember exactly when, so I try to lay off the feet some. Plus, I need to get much stronger in my upper body. So for example, instead of doing High Knees I did Overhead Presses.

Here is Workout #1
Beginner: 10 reps, repeat 1-2X
Intermediate: 15 reps, Repeat 1-3X
Advanced: 20 reps, Repeat 1-3X

1. High Knees (60 seconds)

2. Side Plank (right) (60 seconds)
3. Side Plank (left) (60 seconds)
4. Jumping Jacks
5. Bicycle
6. Walking Pushups
7. Sumo Squat
8. Mountain Climber
9. Temple Tap Abs
10. Plank (60 seconds)

After the workout I stretch for a while. I always feel better after doing a good stretch, and with my back/hip/ITBS/Gluteus Maximus issues I have to spend time to make sure I continue to improve these areas. Best part of all this is Saturday I woke up and I was sore, but nothing more than that. To wake-up and have recent injuries not bothering me was very nice.

Alright, I am going to do Workout #2 after work. Have a wonderful day everyone!